About Us

Founders Corner

Welcome to Zeolite Heavy Metal Testing Pros

Our Mission

At Zeolite Testing Pros, we are committed to empowering individuals with knowledge and confidence. With numerous zeolite products available in the market, quality can vary significantly. Regardless of where you purchase your zeolite, it’s crucial to verify that it’s delivering on its promises and supporting your health effectively. Let’s prove it’s detoxing you 

Our Comprehensive Approach

1. Validate Your Zeolite’s Effectiveness: Ensure your chosen zeolite product is working as intended through our clia certified reliable testing. We use  fully licensed CLIA, labs, the federal agency regulating laboratories, as well as by individual states requiring additional licenses. 
2. Commit to Continuous Detoxification: In today’s world, exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins is inevitable, which can compromise immune function and overall health. Testing for toxins and engaging in a structured detoxification plan using zeolite, followed by ongoing testing, is essential for long-term wellness. Please note we do not treat or cure any disease we strictly supply test kits from clia certified labs and consult. We are not doctors and do not treat. Please see your Dr for diagnosis. 

Why Detox Matters

Detoxification is not a one-time event; it’s an ongoing journey that involves peeling back the layers of accumulated toxins over time. These results are seen by testing over time. 
By joining our testing community, you gain the tools and support needed to identify toxins in your body and implement an effective, progressive detox protocol.
Why Choose Zeolite Testing Pros?
   •   Ensure Product Efficacy
   •   Achieve Safe, Ongoing Detoxification
Join our community to gain peace of mind, knowing that your zeolite is working and your detox journey is on the right track. Experience the assurance of measurable results and continuous support for your path to better health.